“Always on” is a phrase we use a lot here at 3sixfive. We’re proud to offer round-the-clock services to our clients to ensure that their customers always receive prompt responses to their messages, and we’re happy to be on call whenever an online crisis arises or a last-minute post is needed. But there’s no denying that in today’s digital world, where being available 24/7 is an expectation, it’s easy for social media managers to experience burnout and become overwhelmed by the constant flow of notifications, comments and content - not to mention the harmful impacts that negativity and complaints can have on mental health.
Just a decade ago, working in social media as a full time job was rare (in fact, according to LinkedIn, there has been an unbelievable 1357% increase in social media positions listed on the platform since 2010!), so many companies and individuals don’t understand the size of the workload involved, and the range of skills required to fill such roles is often underestimated. Whether you’re a small business owner managing your own social pages, an influencer or an agency team member, read on to discover some of our top wellbeing tips.
Sign Out of Your Work Accounts After Hours
If you use your own phone to manage your clients’ social media accounts instead of a dedicated work mobile, it’s a good idea to log out at the end of each day and switch off notifications so that the only alerts you receive outside of your scheduled hours are ones relating to your personal accounts. This will make it easier for you to shut off and stop thinking about your job when you’re not on the clock, and reduces the anxiety that can stem from seeing those little messages pop up on your screen overnight.
The same goes for emails - did you know that a huge 76% of employees check their work emails after finishing a shift? Research shows that health issues such as chronic stress and fatigue are linked to having too many responsibilities after standard work hours. While having a glance at your inbox during the evening or weekend may feel like a quick productivity boost, it can actually harm your overall job performance and lower your morale in the long run.
Limit Your Screen Time
The average screen time in the UK stands at 3 hours, 23 minutes per day and most people check their phones 58 times daily, with 30 of those times being during work hours. As a social media manager, that number can easily become much higher. That’s why it’s vital to monitor and limit the amount of time you spend staring at your phone or computer wherever possible, using tools such as the Digital Wellbeing feature on Android and Screen Time Limits on iPhone. Or, if you really want to take the plunge, try a complete social media hiatus by deactivating your personal accounts for a few weeks or months and only using it for work-related purposes. If you need to keep an eye on what’s happening online, consider creating an “alt” account under a different name or alias which will enable you to stay in the loop without having to fully reconnect.

Set Boundaries to Separate Work and Home
In 2019, only 12.4% of the UK labour force worked from home, but as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, that percentage has now risen to 25.9%, with marketing and social media roles being among the growing list of jobs that can be done remotely. When working from home, it’s necessary to set clear boundaries to separate your work life and home life wherever possible - both physically (such as closing the door of your work space at the end of the day, if you’re able to work in a separate room) and mentally (such as clearing your mind of any job-related thoughts until your next shift and only following social media accounts that make you feel good).
Alternatively, if you’re still going into the office or a coworking facility, your journey home each day can be a great time to decompress, unwind and put up that psychological barrier between work and home. This can be achieved by listening to some music or a podcast, or watching an episode of your favourite show on your phone to refresh your mindset.
Regularly Check for Burnout Symptoms
The World Health Organisation defines burnout as “a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed”, characterised by the following factors:
• Feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion
• Increased mental distance from one’s job
• Feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job
• Reduced professional efficacy
Experiencing any of these? It might indicate that you need to take some time off to recharge, reset and relax. According to HBR, 94% of holidays taken by employees have a good ROI in terms of their energy and outlook upon returning to work, especially if they plan ahead, create social connections throughout the break, travel far from their place of work and feel safe during the trip.
Burnout can also reduce creativity and imagination, so if your job focuses predominantly on the content and design side of social media and you find yourself suddenly getting stuck for ideas, it could be a sign that you’ve hit your limit and some well-earned R&R is required.
Time off isn’t the only remedy for burnout however. If you’ve worked in the same role for a long time, you may feel that you need to switch things up and try something different, or add some new tasks into your rotation. Arrange a chat with your manager to share your thoughts and see what options are available to you.
Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help
If you’re concerned about your workload or aren’t sure how to tackle a task, don’t be afraid to ask for help from a team leader, manager or fellow colleague (or if you’re a solo social media manager, feel free to harness the power of Google!). It can feel daunting at first to admit that you need assistance with your job, but it’s important to remember that nobody is perfect - and nobody was born knowing all the answers! Letting a senior member of staff know that you’ve got a bit too much on your plate or that you’d like to receive some additional training on a specific subject is much better than suffering in silence and letting the work pile up.
Only 14% of employees feel comfortable talking about mental health in the workplace and that needs to change, through the creation of supportive, nurturing and non-judgemental environments where every team member feels valued and listened to.

Keep Active and Move Around
Due to the nature of the job, working in social media means sitting still at a desk for long periods of time without moving. This can lead to a variety of health issues, ranging from poor posture and general aches and pains, to much more serious problems such as an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and certain types of cancers. Remember to take regular breaks to stand up, walk around, stretch and drink water. Keeping active throughout the day releases endorphins which trigger a happy feeling in the body, so here’s an excellent list of office-friendly exercises to get you started!
Celebrate Wins and Success Stories
Studies show that the more convincingly a sports team celebrates their accomplishments together, the better their chances are of winning - and it’s no different in the workplace. When you’re excited about what you’re doing and you genuinely feel good about the services you’re providing, you perform better and are generally more productive, so as a social media manager, it’s important to celebrate wins and positive interactions. This could be when a conversation that starts out as a customer service complaint gets resolved and results in brand love, a piece of content exceeds its target reach or engagement level, or a client gives direct feedback about the success of a recent campaign.
Enlist the Help of an Agency
Trying to run the show all by yourself? If your social media pages are taking off in popularity and you’re finding it difficult to keep up with your incoming messages and comments on your own, getting in touch with an agency like 3sixfive is the next step. We’re experts in Community Management, Review Management and plenty of other services across social media - and we’re here to help you reduce your workload and minimise your stress levels. Even if you just need a hand with your evening and weekend responses, we can provide a bespoke out-of-hours package to handle your communications when you’re not able to, offering both flexibility and adaptability in regards to your particular needs.
Contrary to popular belief, the role of a social media manager involves much more than simply scrolling through Instagram all day! We tend to see the best and the worst of human behaviour online, meaning that while the job is certainly fun and rewarding, it can also have its downsides and a certain extent of resilience and mental fortitude is paramount for staying happy and healthy. Bear in mind that what works for one person may not work for another, so finding your own personalised route to wellness is key. Which practices do you find most effective when it comes to protecting your mental health? Share your tips with us on Twitter @3sixfivepro.